How to Take A Meaningful Self Care Day
1. Practice mindfulness
Mindfulness, or the state of acknowledging the present moment, is one way to tackle built-up stress and anxiety. Controlled breathing, meditating, or otherwise finding time to take in your surroundings can be a powerful way to combat negative thoughts.
2. Take care of your body and mind
While physical exercise and healthy eating are great ways to take care of your body, it's important not to forget about your mental health. Your emotional and spiritual wellbeing are equally important and deserving of attention.
Keeping a journal can help you work through complicated feelings that get jumbled up in your head. Making the habit of writing a couple paragraphs down every night can help you better understand what you are feeling and why.
Repeat after me: Self-care is not selfish
People often forget to take care of their own health because they're used to putting others first. Spending time and money on yourself can feel selfish and wasteful.
The problem is — and it's a real catch-22 — if you aren't taken care of, you can't really care for others. The goal is to reach some kind of balance in which you are actively taking your own needs into consideration.
Remember to laugh!
I personally find humour to be one of the most healing remedies. Whatever gravity I've built up during the day finds its release in pure laughter.
Studies show that humor helps people deal with pain in moments of physical or mental so make sure to spend time with people who make you laugh. Try not to take yourself too seriously, and read or watch something that’s going to crack a chuckle. <3